Bible life

50/50 challenge [half year update]

Thanksgiving. To many, this holiday can be summed up as overindulging in meals & deals (of course, trying to squeeze in bits of thanksgiving all the while!)  But instead of being consumers of thanksgiving, does it make more sense to be suppliers of thanksgiving?  As I reflect on Thanksgiving, I am reminded to write this post as an update.

Half a year ago I posted on the 50/50 challenge where I would try to give away a dollar for every dollar I spent on myself as a way to experience and live out Matthew 22:38.  In order to automatically track all my spending (credit cards, checking/saving accounts), I started using (use it!).  And now, as I review my spending graph (see below), it is clear I have not yet reached the goal of 50%.  Of the 23% I’ve given back, it went to purchasing kitchen/living supplies for families (via Compassion Network), ‘relief and development’ organizations such as Children’s Hunger Fund and offering at churches.  In addition, I’ll continue to pray and seek other areas to give back what God has generously blessed me with, for example — time, services, food, and even a smile.  I’m still far from loving others as much as myself, so please keep me in your prayers.

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
2 Corinthians 9:7